Thursday, August 4, 2011

i.fairy Dolly+ Brown Review!

Finally, I have gotten my lazy butt to review my latest lens and what I like to think my most gorgeous pair of brown/golden lens that I've owned so far!

These lenses were bought from i.candy contact lens with my own money, so this is my own opinion of the website as well as the lens! I have to say though, i.candy is seriously THE BEST blogsite to buy i.fairy lens from. I bought from one of her sprees and it only cost me about $16.50 per i.fairy circle lens, which is one of the cheapest that I've found so far! Also, shipping took only a week and a half, versus my malaysian orders, which have taken over ...three weeks. The owner of the site, Mayako, is a really sweet girl and you guys should definitely check out her site!

Anyhoo, onto the review...

These are seriously the most comfortable and one of the more enlarging lens that I own. I think that this is due to the large space for the iris. It makes me look like I have serious anime eyes!

My, what large eyes you have...

Close-up of the lens itself, see how the large hole for the pupil makes your eyes look even larger?

>w< The lens are so pretty!

Color: 10/10. Usually brown lenses do nothing for me, I put them on merely for the enlarging effect. However, these Dolly+ lens are inbetween super golden and light brown, which is love.
Enlargement: 10/10. Again, I believe that someone on the web posted that the true diameter of these lenses are around 14.8mm, but these lenses sure do give me huge anime eyes!
Comfort: 10/10. Because of the high water content, i.fairy lenses never ceases to amaze me with how long I can wear them. I can literally put them on and never feel like I'm wearing lenses in my eyes, which is great!
Overall: 10/10. Again, from the wonderful service that I got from i.candy, I've been wearing these lenses each day for the past week! That's saying a lot as I've got like over 30 pairs that are just sitting around in my cabinet!

By the way, I finally used my Chanel Topaki Quad, the design of the eye shadow was too nice so I was scared to use it. But I had to because I'm not a hoarder! As you can see, the eye shadow are all very very nice and give this soft girly look to my face. Love.

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