Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cooking mama ~

I've been cooking a lot lately as I lack the funds to go out and buy nice, delectable, yummy food. (Oh, it's that much nicer when someone cooks for you! No cutting ingredients, no messy frying, and most importantly, NO CLEANING!)

Anyways, I've decided to expand on food that I make, simply because I have eaten the same types of food since forever. Bleh.

My favorite thing to do is cooking...but if you asked me for a recipe, I don't think I could give one out, simply because even I don't measure when it comes to food! I think it's true how most people say that cooking really is a measure of love. Luckily somehow everything I cook usually turns yummy or it becomes yummy later.

<3 Must. Make. Boyfriend. Buy. Me. Super. Pinky. Lenses. Heeee~

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