Friday, July 29, 2011

Lens Arrival!

They came! They came! After what felt like waiting an absurdly long time, my lenses finally arrived (Okay, I'm just an impatient person..but..)! Hohoho! This order arrived from, which offers a variety of lenses, but are most known because of their specials on the Princess Mimi lens (of which I have already snapped up a LOT! heehee).

Unlike other companies, i.fairy places the name of the series on the top. How cute!

Isn't the design of the bottle just wonderfully cute?

I'm soaking these lenses right now and will be reviewing them super soon! ^__^ Look for it!

Btw, just so I can keep track of my own crazy spending, here are some of the packages I'm now waiting for:

BonjourHK (x1)
-Melliesh Lipgloss in #2 Baby Pink
-Melliesh Lipgloss in #6 Candy Pink
-Melliesh Blush in #1 English Rose
-DollyWink Cream Eyeshadow in Silver

Ebay (x1)
-Melliesh Mineral Powder with Stippling Brush

TheDollyEye (x1)
-CandyDoll Blush in Strawberry Pink
-EOS (?) Dollyeye in Gray

Of course I'm still waiting on my orders from i.candy as well as my ebay order of the snidel dress!

If TheDollyEye website proves to be reliable, I'm totally eyeing the cream highlighter in beige as well as the Mineral powder in Crystal Pearl as well as perhaps trying one of the Canmake cream blushers. ^__^ I'll keep you posted!

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